Greetings and Happy *2013*
I pray that everyone had a safe and blessed holiday season!
I know it has been a while since I have posted something. I have actually been busy reinventing myself. lol After years of battling the bulge, I have managed (with the help of God, family, doctors, friends, etc.) to dwonsize 100 pounds!! Woohoo! I am trying to get use to the *new* me while working on some crafty projects (which I hope to share soon), start a new career and get my life, in general, in order.
The deets....?
We all make new year resolutions, but this year (and last) I decicded enough with the resolution and instead I made a promise to myself (and God) to get healthy (check that one off my list) and have a closer relationship with him (still working on it). I turned 40 last June and a switch went off in my brain that I just have to do it. Whatever *it* is...I need to make it happen. So that is my goal for 2013.
I am currently not on any design teams, as I didn't want to over committ myself; however, I have been guest designing for various groups and hope to continue to do so this year. Sooo, if you are looking for a Guest DT let me know. *shameless plug*
I have been working with
CS Designs and am having a blast working with Chris' artwork. The next issue of her Ezine will be coming out soon and I have several projects/articles in that issue. If you haven't checked out the
ezine you are missing out. Also, check out her store. I have always said that Chris' work is truly a work of art, because of the attention to detail and the out-of-the box designs that any project you make using them could easily go from your craft table to artwork on your wall.
I also want to share with you that Paulette over at
Create with TLC is gearing up for a Blog Hop on January 13th with her new DTs. I could so kick myself for missing out on throwng my hat in for this call. I truly respect and enjoy working with Paulette and her wordart. She is so generous and giving of herself and her talents. You can find out more about her hop by clicking on the picture below. You don't want to miss this, because there is always tons of yummy goodies. :-)
Create with TLC Blog Hop!! |
Well, I believe that I have caught you up on the happenings that I know about. I look forward to hearing from you and finding out what you've been up to.
Wishing you all a prosperous New Year...
Remember: There are no mistakes in cardmaking, only opportunities for creativity!